DNP KEPCO10 Communication Driver

DNP KEPCO10 Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with DNP3.0 protocol.

Note) DNP KEPCO10 communication driver can use only one driver at one device.

If you want to use twor or more driver at multi device,  you can use DNP KEPCO10 Add 01 ~ DNP KEPCO10 Add 16 driver. ( max = 17 driver)


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of  DNP KEPCO10 communication driver. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of  DNP KEPCO10 communication driver

Device Setting of <Figure 1> are input, device type( UDP/IP ), IP address of DNP controller( ), service port address( 13000 )respectively, according to setting of controller.

Read Cycle of DNP KEPCO10 communication driver should alway be set to 0.

Read/Write TimeOut can be set to more than 5,000 mSec( 5 second ).


Also DNP source address(0 ~ 65534, default = 2), alarm number when accur SOE ( Class 1 ) Data(0 ~ 999, default = 100), alarm number when accur COS ( Class 2 ) Data(0 ~ 999, default = 101), alarm number when accur Class 3 Data(0 ~ 999, default = 102), whether to save the alarm data of Class(0 = do not save, 1 = save, default = 0), memory saving type of accurred SOE(WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, default  = DWORD), memory saving start address of accurred SOE(0 ~ 9999, defalut = 0), memory saving type of accurred COS(WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, default  = DWORD), memory saving start address of accurred COS(0 ~ 9999, defalut = 0), memory saving type of accurred Class 3(WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, default  = DWORD), memory saving start address of accurred Class 3(0 ~ 9999, defalut = 0) are set by using option part (separated by commas each parameter).


DNP KEPCO10 communication driver¡¯s read schedule 

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station – DNP controller station number = 0 ~ 65534.

2) Read Command – Read Object-Variation. ( Refer to <Table 1> )

ex) 1-1, 1-2, ¡¦ 30-1, 30-2, ¡¦ 50-1, ¡¦

3) Read Start Address Read start address of  each Object, Variation.  ( if Qualifier field = 06, 07, 08 - don't care )

Qualifier – 00, 01 : read start address,

Qualifier – 06, 07, 08 : don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read size or end of  each Object, Variation.  ( if Qualifier field = 06 - don't care )

Qualifier – 00, 01 : read end address,

Qualifier – 07, 08 : read size ( 1 ~ ),

Qualifier – 06 : don't care. 

6) Qualifier Field – Qualifier field of DNP protocol.

00, 01 : 8 bit, 16 bit Start/Stop,

07,08 : 8 bit, 16 bit Limited Quantity,

06, etc  : read of all data. ( 06 or another number )

7) Read Period – Read period of each read schedule, 0 ~ 65535 mSec. (1000 mSec = 1 second )


Read schedule example)

READ,    10,   1-2,      0,    0,  1,   6,   3000,

READ,    10,   30-2,     0,   50,  1,   6,  10000,


  <Table 1> is Object-Variation and readed data saving method of DNP KEPCO10 communication driver.

Object-Variation Contents Readed data saving method Remarks
1-1 Single Bit Binary Input Save 1 bit data and status bit at 1 memory  
1-2 Binary Input with Status
2-1 Binary Input Change without Time Save status 'Byte ' value ato 1 memory COS( Class 2 )
2-2 Binary Input Change with Time Save status value,year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milli-second at 8 memory SOE( Class 1 )
2-3 Binary Input Chg with Relative Time  
10-2 Binary Output Status Save status 'Byte ' value ato 1 memory  
12-1 Control Relay Output Block  
20-1 32 bit Binary Counter Save flag, DWORD/WORD value at 2 memory  
20-2 16 bit Binary Counter  
20-5 32 bit Binary Counter without Flag Save DWORD/WORD value at 1 memory  
20-6 16 bit Binary Counter without Flag  
21-1 32 bit Frozen Counter Save flag, DWORD/WORD counter value at 2 memory  
21-2 16 bit Frozen Counter  
21-9 32 bit Frozen Counter without Flag Save DWORD/WORD counter value at 1 memory  
21-10 32 bit Frozen Counter without Flag  
22-1 32 bit Counter Change Event Without Time Save flag, DWORD/WORD counter value at 2 memory  
22-2 16 bit Counter Change Event Without Time  
22-5 32 bit Counter Change Event With Time Save flag, DWORD/WORD counter value, year, month, day, hour, minute, second milli-second at 9 memory  
22-6 16 bit Counter Change Event With Time  
23-1 32 bit Frozen Counter Event Without Time Save flag, DWORD/WORD counter value at 2 memory  
23-2 16 bit Frozen Counter Event Without Time  
23-5 32 bit Frozen Counter Event With Time Save flag, DWORD/WORD counter value, year, month, day, hour, minute, second milli-second at 9 memory  
23-6 32 bit Frozen Counter Event With Time  
30-1 32 bit Analog Input Save flag, float(DWORD)/float(WORD) analog value at 2 memory  
30-2 16 bit Analog Input  
30-3 32 bit Analog Input Without Flag Save float(DWORD)/float(WORD) analog value at 1 memory  
30-4 16 bit Analog Input Without Flag  
30-5 short float Analog Input Save flag, float(DWORD)/float(WORD) analog value at 2 memory  
32-1 32 bit Analog Change Event Without Time Save flag, float(DWORD)/float(WORD) analog value at 2 memory  
32-2 16 bit Analog Change Event Without Time  
32-3 32 bit Analog Change Event with Time Save flag, float(DWORD)/float(WORD) analog value, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milli-second at 9 memory  
32-4 16 bit Analog Change Event with Time  
40-1 32 bit Analog Output Status Save flag, float(DWORD)/float(WORD) analog value at 2 memory  
40-2 16 bit Analog Output Status  
40-3 short float Analog Output Status  
41-1 32 bit Analog Output Block  
41-2 16 bit Analog Output Block  
41-3 short float bit Analog Output Block  
50-1 System Time and Date Save year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milli-second at 7 memory  
51-1 Time and Date CTO  
51-2 Unsynchronized Time and Date CTO  
60-1 Class 0 (Class 1, 2, 3) Data    
60-2 Class 1 Data Response of Class data 2-1
60-3 Class 2 Data 2-2
60-4 Class 3 Data  
<Table 1> Object-Variation and readed data saving method of DNP KEPCO10 communication driver

<Table 2>, <Table 3> are data saving address and contents of SOE, COS data. 

Data Saving Address


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 0

station number

Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 1

Point number

Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 2

status BYTE

Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 3


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 4


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 5


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 6


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 7


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 8


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 10 + 9


<Table 2> Data saving address and contents of SOE(Class 1) data

Data Saving Address


Start Add +  address(Point number) x 3 + 0

station number

Start Add +  address(Point number) x 3 + 1

Point number

Start Add +  address(Point number) x 3 + 2

status°ª BYTE

<Table 3> Data saving address and contents of COS ( Class 2 ) data

If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.  

<Figure 2> Example of DNP KEPCO10 communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box

   You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>. 

<Figure 3> Example of DNP KEPCO10 communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Writing settings

You can write the setting value by using write settings.


Bit Write

Bitd write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             DNP controller station number = 0 ~ 65534.

3)  ADDRESS           Writing address. ( FILE_SAVE write command = don't care )

4)  Extra1                   Write command.

SELECT : 12-1 (Object-Variation ) Select digital outout command,

OPERATE : 12-1 (Object-Variation ) Operate digital output command,

DIRECT : 12-1 (Object-Variation ) Direct digital output command,

UNSOL : Unsolicated Message Enable/Disable output command,

FILE_SAVE : save/stop save command : current communication port send/receive data at 'work folder\SCAN\ COMM_CODE_%03d_%05d.txt ' file.

 ( %03d :  PORT number,   %05d : value of Extra2 )

etc : 12-1 (Object-Variation ) Select-Operate digital output command. 

5)  Extra2                   FILE_SAVE write command = file number ( %05d ),   other write command = Don't care.


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 10   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : 12-1  EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is an example of digital output(On/Off) of 0 digital address, 10 DNP station number.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 10   ADDRESS : 0005  EXTRA1 : 12-1  EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is an example of digital output(On/Off) of 5 digital address, 10 DNP station number.


Write example 3) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : FILE_SAVE  EXTRA2 : 12, Output : On

The setting parameter shown above is an example of save current communication port send/receive code.  Data saving file = work folder\SCAN\COMM_CODE_000_00012.txt, data type = Text.


Write example 4) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : FILE_SAVE  EXTRA2 : 12. Output : Off

The setting parameter shown above is an example of stop save current communication port send/receive code.  Data saving stop file = work folder\SCAN\COMM_CODE_000_00012.txt.


Bit Write

Bitd write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             DNP controller station number = 0 ~ 65534.

3)  ADDRESS           Writing address. ( FILE_SAVE write command = don't care )

4)  Extra1                   Write command.

SELECT : 41-2 (Object-Variation ) Select analog output command,

OPERATE : 41-2 (Object-Variation ) Operate analog output command,

DIRECT : 41-2 (Object-Variation ) Direct analog output command,

UNSOL : Unsolicated Message Enable/Disable output command,

FILE_SAVE : save/stop save command : current communication port send/receive data at 'work folder\SCAN\ COMM_CODE_%03d_%05d.txt ' file.

 ( %03d :  PORT number,   %05d : value of Extra2 )

etc : 41-2 (Object-Variation ) Select-Operate analog output command.

5)  Extra2                   FILE_SAVE write command = file number ( %05d ),   other write command = Don't care.


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 10   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : 41-2  EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is an example of analog output(Select and Operate) of 0 analog address, 10 DNP station number.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 10   ADDRESS : 0015  EXTRA1 : 41-2  EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is an example of analog output(Select and Operate) of 15( 16th ) analog address, 10 DNP station number.