DAEKYUNG DPM Communication Driver


 DAEKYUNG DPM Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with DPM meter of DaeKyung G & Tech Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of  DAEKYUNG DPM communication driver. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of  DAEKYUNG DPM communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively.

DAEKYUNG DPM controller can set baud rate (2400, 4800, 9600, 19200) and dot position by using setting button of front panel.


DAEKYUNG DPM communication driver¡¯s read schedule 

DAEKYUNG DPM communication driver's read schedule input 'READ' one line.


Read schedule example) 



2. Writing settings

You can write the setting value by using write settings.


Bit Write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value. ( 0 , 1 )


Word Write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             DPM address = 0 ~ 999.

3)  ADDRESS           Outputed data  saving address of WORD, DWORD,FLOAT memory.

4)  Extra1                   Don't card.

5)  Extra2                   0 ~ 5 Dot position.


Write example 1)

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 0020  EXTRA1 :     EXTRA2 : 1

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write(decimal number) to DPM address 1 with 1 dot position.

After write, save the writed value to 20 WORD, FLOAT, DWORD memory address.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0   STATION : 2   ADDRESS : 0021  EXTRA1 :     EXTRA2 : 2

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write(decimal number) to DPM address 2 with 2 dot position.

After write, save the writed value to 21 WORD, FLOAT, DWORD memory address.


Write example 3)

PORT : 0   STATION : 3   ADDRESS : 0022  EXTRA1 :     EXTRA2 : 4

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write(decimal number) to DPM address 3 with 4 dot position.

After write, save the writed value to 22 WORD, FLOAT, DWORD memory address.


3. Connection of main power line and communication cable

 Connection of communication cable and main power line are as follows.


Connection of RS-485 communication cable 

Please connect RS-485 communication cable between DAEKYUNG DPM and computer.

DAEKYUNG DPM side                              Computer side

'3rd' connector form left ( R+) ------------------------- T+

'4th' connector form left  ( R-) ------------------------- T-


Connection of main power line

Please connect main powert to '1st'( +5V DC), '2nd'( 0V ) connector such as <Figure 2>. 


<Figure 2>  Main power and communication connector of DAEKYUNG DPM controller
<Figure 3>  Appearance of DAEKYUNG DPM controller


Setting of meter address, baud rate

You can set metter address and baud rate by using 'setting button'. (2 button of front panel)