BAMS DC System communication driver


BAMS DC System communication driver is the driver to communicate with BAMS Server.


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of BAMS DC System communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of BAMS DC System communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Device Type(TCP/IP), IP address of PLC(, service port number(5078) respectively, according to setting of server.

In protocol option part, you can set the following: user ID ( 0 ~ 65535, defalut = 110), sending interval for status monitoring data ( 0 ~ 65535 mSec, default = 2000 ), status monitoring data start address of DWORD memory ( 0 ~ 65535, default = 0 ), DC setting data start address of WORD memory ( 0 ~ 65535, default = 100 ), readed command and status data saving start address of WORD memory ( 0 ~ 65535, default = 0 ), main folder for report file( default = \Data ), weather to  use auto-setting when DC setting Write command( 0 : use, 1 : don't use, default = 1 ). Each argument  is a comma-delimited.


BAMS DC System communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station address – don't care.

2) Read command – command = fixed to STS.

3) Read start address – don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – don't care.

5) Read Size – fixed to 1.


Read schedule example) 

READ, 0,    STS,   0,  0,  1,


<Table 1> is DWORD Memory address and contents for status monitoring data.

<Table 2> is WORD Memory address and contents for DC setting data.

<Table 3> is WORD Memory address and contents for command, status value of Server.



start address + 0 current power of Demand KW unit ( DWORD )
start address + 1 reference power of Demand
start address + 2 predictive power of Demand
start address + 3 target power of Demand
start address + 4 Demand Time second unit ( word unit )
start address + 5 alarm status normal : 7, 1 step : 6, 2 step : 4, Blocking : 0
start address + 6 number of load RMU maximun = 32
start address + 7 load status of RMU DWORD (32 bit ) value,
= load status from low order bit
ON : load
start address + 8 communication status of RMU DWORD (32 bit ) value,
1-32 = communication status from low order bit
OFF : normal, ON : Error
start address + 9 current power of 1st RMU W unit
start address + 10 demand power of 1st RMU for 15minutes
start address + 11 3phase accumulated power 1st RMU KW unit
start address + 12 ~ 14 2nd RMU data  
... ...  
<Table 1> DWORD Memory address and contents for status monitoring data


start address + 0 monitoring data sending interval to Server WORD
start address + 1 ~ 4 Server IP1 ~ 4  0 ~ 255
start address + 5 communication port number WORD
start address + 6 Local Monitoring communication speed
start address + 7 communication time out BYTE
start address + 8 DC ID WORD
<Table 2> WORD Memory address and contents for DC setting data


start address + 0 data sending count of status monitoring command 0 ~ 65535
start address + 1 command flag 1 = received command from Server,
after control ( or other procedures ), set '0'
start address + 2 control command for 1 ~ 16 load 0 ~ 15bit = 1 ~ 16 load ( 1 : load ON )
start address + 3 control command for 17 ~ 32 load 0 ~ 15bit = 17 ~ 32 load ( 1 : load ON )
start address + 4 release command for control prohibited flag 1 = received release command from Server
start address + 5 status value for control prohibited 1 = enable control, 0 = control prohibited
have to set control prohibited status, after control
start address + 6 reserved control command flag 1 = received reserved control command form Server
start address + 7 start year for reserved control 4 digit number
start address + 8 ~ 12 start month, day, hour, minute, second for reserved control 2 digit number
start address + 13 end year for reserved control 4 digit number
start address + 14 ~ 18 end month, day, hour, minute, second for reserved control 2 digit number
start address + 19 type of control 20h = total control,
21h = shift control 1,
22h =shift control 2 
start address + 20 control interval use only shift control 1, 2
start address + 21 returning interval
start address + 22 control cancel command flag 1 = received control cancel command from Server
start address + 23 day report command for power flag 1 = received day report command from Server
start address + 24 year of day report 4 digit number
start address + 25 ~ 26 month, day of day report 2 digit number
start address + 27 month report command for power flag 1 = received month report command from Server
start address + 28 year of month report 4 digit number
start address + 29 month of month report 2 digit number
start address + 30 event data command flag 1 = received event data command from Server
start address + 31 message command flag 1 = received message command from Server
save received message at STRING memory
start address + 31 ~
start address + 32 DC setting Read command flag 1 = received DC setting Read command from Server
start address + 33 DC setting Write command flag 1 = received DC setting Write command from Server
start address + 34 monitoring data sending interval to Server  
start address + 35 ~ 38 Server IP1 ~ 4  
start address + 39 communication port number  
start address + 40 Local Monitoring communication speed  
start address + 41 communication time out  
start address + 42 DC ID  
start address + 43 ACK confirm command flag 1 = received ACK confirm command from Server
start address + 44 time syncronization command flag 1 = received time syncronization command from Server
start address + 45 RMU day report command flag 1 = received RMU day report command from Server
start address + 46 year of RMU day report 4 digit number
start address + 47 ~ 48 month, day of RMU day report 2 digit number
start address + 49 RMU number 1 ~ 32 RMU number
<Table 3> WORD Memory address and contents for command, status value fo Server

<Table 4> is input method and filename for each report data.

Data type Filename and path Input method Contents
day report for power main folder for report file\Day\%04d\%02d\%02d.dat
( %04d = year, %02d = month,  %02d = day )
header 15 byte,
flag 1byte, data value, data bcc
... ( 97 data )
( hex-decimal )
target power of the day(kW),
15 minutes demend power (W) 1,
15 minutes demend power (W) 2,
15 minutes demend power (W) 96  
month report for power main folder for report file\Month\%04d\%02d.dat
( %04d = year, %02d = month )
header 15 byte,
flag 1byte, data value, data bcc
... (  31 data )
( hex-decimal )
amount of power for day (kWh) 1,
amount of power for day (kWh) 2,
amount of power for day (kWh) 31
event data main folder for report file\Event\Event_%02.dat
( %02d = 00 ~ 49 event event order number )
Separated by comma for each value.
Input at 1st line. ( event data )
Use deciminalu unit data.
year, month, day, hour, second,
Event Code, Event Code
day report for RMU main folder for report file\RMU\%04d\%02d\%02d\%02d.dat
( %04d = year, %02d = month,  %02d = day,
%02d = 1 ~ 32 RMU number )
header 15 byte,
flag 1byte, data value, data bcc
... (  96 data )
( hex-decimal )
 RMU accumulated power 1,
RMU accumulated power
RMU accumulated power 96
<Table 4> Input method and filename for each report data

If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of BAMS DC System communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can also set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

Also, you can set user ID, sending interval for status monitoring data, status monitoring data start address of DWORD memory, DC setting data start address of WORD memory, readed command and status data saving start address of WORD memory, main folder for report file, weather to use auto-setting when DC setting Write command by using 'Protocol Option' part of <Figire 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of BAMS DC System communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.


2. Write settings

You can send ACK confirm, time syncronization command to Server by using write settings.


Digital write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).


Analog write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION              data saving year when DAY, MON, RMU command.

3) ADDRESS            data saving month or day when DAY, MON, RMU command.

DAY, RMU write command : higher 2 digit = month, lower 2 digit = day, ( 0527 : month = 05, day = 27 )

MON write command : data saving month.

4) EXTRA 1               write command = ACY, SYNC, DAY, MON, EVENT, RMU.

ACK : ACK confirm sending command to BAMS Server, 

SYNC : time syncronization request command to BAMS Server.

DAY, MON, EVENT, RMU write command : data saving command for day, month, event, RMU day report request command from BAMS Server. ( data saving folder is 'main folder for report file' )

5) EXTRA 2               data saving contents when DAY, MON, EVENT, RMU command.

DAY : 0 ~ 95 = 15 minutes demand power, 100 = target power of the day,

MON : 1 ~ 31 = amount of power for each day( KWh ),

EVENT : 1 ~ 6 event code ( 1 = system error, 2 = BAMS server communication error, 3 = RMU RS-485 communication error, 4 = RMU control, 5 = RMU return(release control), 6 = RMU Fail ),

RMU : 0 ~ 95 = RMU accumulated power ( KWh, 24hour x 4 ) 

6) Output Value        data saving contents when DAY, MON, EVENT, RMU write command.

DAY : 15 minutes demand power value or target power value of the day ( Extra2 = 100 ),

MON : amount of power value for each day( KWh ),

EVENT : event code data ( normally RMU ID ),

RMU : RMU accumulated power value ( KWh ).


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:ACK,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is ACK confirm sending command to Server.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:SYNC,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is time syncronization request command to Server.


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:2014, ADDRESS:0527, Extra1:DAY,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Day report data saving example for 1st 15 minutes demand power at 'main folder for report file'.


Write example 4)

PORT:0,  station:2014, ADDRESS:0527, Extra1:DAY,  Extra2 : 100

The setting parameter shown above is Day report data saving example for target power value of the day at 'main folder for report file'.


Write example 5)

PORT:0,  station:2014, ADDRESS:005, Extra1:MON,  Extra2 : 27

The setting parameter shown above is Month report data saving example. The saving data is amount of power value for 2014-05-27.