Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver


Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver is the driver to communicate with Smart I/O I equipment of Autobase Inc. in Korea.


Note) Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication dirver use only Smart profram(CE OS).


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver

Please input 'None' at Device part.


Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station address – don't care.

2) Read cmmand – command = DI, DO, AI, D_EN, P_STS, P_ON, P_MODE, P_INV, P_CLK, P_LOOP, P_PSTN, P_REG. ( refer to <Table 1> )

3) Read channel number – channel number. ( refer to <Table 1> )

DI, DO, P_STS, P_ON, P_INV read command = don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – fixed to 1. ( refer to <table 1> )


Read schedule example) 

READ, 0,    DI,   0,  0,  1,
READ,  0,    DO, 0,  1,  1,
READ,  0,    AI,  0,  2,  1,
READ,  0,    AI,  1,  3,  1,
READ,  0,    AI,  2,  4,  1,
READ,  0,    AI,  3,  5,  1,
READ,  0, P_STS, 0, 6,  1,


<Table 1> is read command and contents of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver.

Read command Contents

Data saving address

Channel number


DI read of digital input start add + 0 : 0 ~ 7 DI On/Off status don't care 0 : Off, 1 : On
can use input or output
DO read of digital output start add + 0 : 0 ~ 7 DO On/Off status
AI read of analog input start add + 0 : 0 ~ 4095( 12 bit ) analog value 0 ~ 3 0 ~ 4095
D_EN output enable for DI, DO module start add + 0 : 0 ~ 255 output enable value
                         for DI, DO
0 = DI,
1 = DO
0 ~ 255 ( each bit )
 0 : input, 1 : output
example) 0 = all input,
  255 = all output
P_STS read of PWM status start add + 0 : PWM status value don't care 0 bit : PWM A status
1 bit : PWM B status
0 = normal, 1 = busy
P_ON read of PWM Enable/Trig value start add + 0 : PWM Enable/Trig status 0 bit : PWM A Enable
1 bit : PWM B Enable
4 bit : PWM A Trig
5 bit : PWM B Trig
0 = normal, 1 = On
P_MODE read of PWM block mode value start add + 0 : PWM block mode 0 = PWM A,
1 = PWM B
1 = Phase mode,
2 = Register out mode,
4 = Register out mode 2,
9 = Phase mode 2
P_INV read of PWM output inverse start add + 0 : PWM output inverse value don't care 0 bit : PWM A status
1 bit : PWM B status
0 = normal, 1 = inverse
P_CLK read of PWM clock divide start add + 0 : PWM input clock divide value 0 = PWM A,
1 = PWM B
0 = divide by 2,
1 = divide by 4,
2 = divide by 8,
3 = divide by 16
P_LOOP read of PWM step repetition value start add + 0 : PWM step repetition value 0 ~ 15
0 = infinite
P_PSTN read of PWM PSTN value start add + 0 : PWM PSTN clock count value 0 ~ 3 = PSTN 1 ~ 4 of PWM A,
4 ~ 7 = PSTN 1 ~ 4 of PWM B
word (0 ~ 65535 ) unit
P_REG read of PWM out reg value start add + 0 : PWM output data pattern 0 ~ 3 = pattern value 1 ~ 4 of PWM A,
4 ~ 7 = pattern value 1 ~ 4 of PWM B
double word unit
ALL_CH read of DI, DO, AI value start add + 0 : DI input value
start add + 1 : DO output value
start add + 2 ~ 5 : AI (12 bit) input value
don't care 0 ~ 255,
0 ~ 255.
0 ~ 4095
<Table 1> Read command and contents of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver


Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data formats are different.

 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can also set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.


2. Write settings

You can set Smart I/O I module by using write settings.


Digital write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).


Analog write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION              don't care.

3) ADDRESS            writing bit number or channel number. ( refer to <Table 2> )

4) EXTRA 1               write command = DI, DO, AI, D_EN, P_STS, P_ON, P_MODE, P_INV, P_CLK, P_LOOP, P_PSTN, P_REG. ( refer to <Table 2> )

5) EXTRA 2               0 ~ 9 Data 3 setting value.


<Table 2> is write command and parameters of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver.

Write command Contents


Output value
DI write of digitial input module  0 ~ 7 bit position 0 : Off, 1 : On
DO write of digitial output module
B_DI write of digitial input by byte unit don't care 0 ~ 255 ( each bit On, Off)
B_DO write of digitial output by byte unit
D_EN write of output enable for DI, DO 0 = DI,
1 = DO
0 ~ 255
example) 0 = all input,
  255 = all output
P_ON PWM Enable/Trig control 0 = PWM A,
1 = PWM B
0 : Off, 1 : On (run )
P_MODE PWM block mode setting 1 = Phase mode,
2 = Register out mode,
4 = Register out mode 2,
9 = Phase mode 2
P_INV PWM output inverse setting 0 = normal,
1 = inverse
P_CLK PWM clock divide value setting 0 = divide by 2,
1 = divide by 4,
2 = divide by 8,
3 = divide by 16
P_LOOP PWM step repetition value setting 0 ~ 15
( 0 = infinite )
P_PSTN PWM PSTN value setting 0 ~ 3 = PSTN 1 ~ 4 of PWM A,
4 ~ 7 = PSTN 1 ~ 4 of PWM B
word ( 0 ~ 65535 ) unit
P_REG PWM out reg value setting 0 ~ 3 = pattern value 1 ~ 4 of PWM A,
4 ~ 7 = pattern value 1 ~ 4 of PWM B
double word unit
<Table 2> Write command and parameters of Autobase Touch Smart I/O I communication driver


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:DO,  Extra2 : 0,  Output Value = 1

The setting parameter shown above is On control example for 1 st DO point of  Autobase Touch Smart I/O Iequipment.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0007, Extra1:DO,  Extra2 : 0,  Output Value = 1

The setting parameter shown above is On control example for 8th DO point of  Autobase Touch Smart I/O Iequipment.


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:P_ON,  Extra2 : 0,  Output Value = 1

The setting parameter shown above is Enable, Trig bit On setting example for PWM A channel.


Write example 4)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1:P_MODE,  Extra2 : 0,  Output Value = 2

The setting parameter shown above is PWM mode setting example to Register out mode( output value = 2 ) for PWM B channel.


Write example 5)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0003, Extra1:P_PSTN,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is PSTN 4 output data pattern setting( word unit ) example for PWM A channel.


Write example 6)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0005, Extra1:P_PSTN,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is PSTN 2 output data pattern setting( word unit ) example for PWM B channel.


Write example 7)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0007, Extra1:P_REG,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is output data pattern 4 setting( double word unit ) example for PWM B channel.