Adtronic Electric Bulletin Communication Driver


Adtronic Electric Bulletin Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with  electric bulletin of ADTROnic Co., Ltd. in Korea.


reference) Adtronic Electric Bulletin Communication Driver is to set by write to electric bulletin.

1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver


 Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(38400), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively.



Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver¡¯s read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – Don't care.

2)  Read Command – Don't care.

3) Read Start Address – Don't care.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – Don't care.

5) Read Size – Don't care.


Read schedule example)

READ, , , 0, 0, 0,


 If you click the icon  in protocol option part you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>..

<Figure 2> Example of Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


2. Write settings

You can write setting of Adtronic Electric Bulletin by using write commands.



Bit write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).



Word write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT :  Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION :  Don't care.

3) ADDRESS : SET, SET2, SET3 command : 0 ~ 9 - room number.

                    other command :  Don't care.

4) EXTRA 1 :  Write command = DEL, E_DEL, FORM, OFF, ON, BRIGHT, SET, SET2, SET3, EVENT . (Refer to <Table 1>)

5) EXTRA 2 : FORM command : 1 ~ 2 column setting.

                  other command :  Don't care.



<Table 1> is a description of write commands and write values of Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver.

<Table 2> is Input method of setting text and attribute of Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver.

Write Command Content Output Value Remarks
DEL delete all room data Don't care  
E_DEL delete event data Don't care  
FORM setting of bulletin type 3 ~ 20 (row settting) Extra 2 = 1 ~ 2 (column setting)
OFF bulletin off Don't care  
ON bulletin on Don't care  
BRIGHT setting of bright 0 ~ 9 (bright level)  
SET setting text and attribute of  1 column equipment Don't care after sending block write command 'DATA', 'ATT'
or writing text and attribute at 'C:\Temp'(refer to <Table 2>) folder,
and use write command 'SET'
SET2 setting text and attribute of  2 column equipment(only 2 column type) Don't care after sending block write command 'DATA', 'ATT' , 'DATA2', 'ATT2'
or writing text and attribute at 'C:\Temp'(refer to <Table 2>) folder,
and use write command 'SET2'
SET3 setting title/text and attribute of  2 column equipment(only 2 column type) Don't care after sending block write command 'DATA', 'ATT' , 'DATA2'
or writing text and attribute at 'C:\Temp'(refer to <Table 2>) folder,
and use write command 'SET3'
EVENT setting event text and attribute of  1 column equipmentEvent Don't care after sending block write command 'DATA', 'ATT'
or writing text and attribute at 'C:\Temp'(refer to <Table 2>) folder,
and use write command 'EVENT'
<Table 1> Write commands and write values for Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver
  Folder of Filename Input Method of Setting Data
folder of data file C:\temp  
setting of text for 1 column equipment
or first text for 2 column equipment
text_%03d .ini
(%03d = comm port no.)
input text to first row.
text size = 1 ~ 256 character(hangul = 128
setting of second text for 2 column equipment
(%03d = comm port no.)
input text to first row.
text size = 1 ~ 256 character(hangul = 128
setting of attribute for 1 column equipment
or first attribute for 2 column equipment
(%03d = comm port no.)
input text to first row, separate by comma( , ).
max attribute = 260
    0 attribute data =  0 ~ 16 (start effect)
    1 attribute data : 1 ~ 10(display time)
    2 attribute data : 0 ~ 15(eaving effect)
    3 attribute data : 0 ~ 4(velocity)
    4 ~ 259(attribute of 256 text)
setting of second attribute for 2 column equipment
(%03d = comm port no.)
input text to first row, separate by comma( , ).
max attribute = 260
    0 attribute data =  0 ~ 16 (start effect)
    1 attribute data : 1 ~ 10(display time)
    2 attribute data : 0 ~ 15(eaving effect)
    3 attribute data : 0 ~ 4(velocity)
    4 ~ 259(attribute of 256 text)
<Table 2> Input method of setting text and attribute of Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:DEL, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for delete all room data of Adtronic Electric Bulletin connected with 0 port.


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:OFF, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for bulletin on of Adtronic Electric Bulletin connected with 0 port.


example of setting text and attribute of  1 column equipment by script)  (when comm port no. = 0)


uint    handle;

byte    att[260];

int       length;


handle = @FileOpen("C:\\temp\\text_000.ini", "w");
if(handle != 0) {
   @FileWrite(handle, $ST_0000, -1);

att[0] = 0;
att[1] = 10;
att[2] = 0;
att[3] = 0;
att[4] = 0x00;
att[5] = 0x00;
handle = @FileOpen("C:\\temp\\att_000.ini", "w");
if(handle != 0) {
   for(i = 0; i < 6; i = i+1) {
      @sprintf(str, "%d,", att[i]);
      @FileWrite(handle, str, -1);

@sprintf($DO_0000.extra1, "SET");
$DO_0000 = 1;





Block write

Block write comes to be executed by ¡®PlcScanWriteBlock¡¯ script function.

Available script variables are char, string for DATA, DATA2 command and byte for ATT, ATT2 command.

You can use DATA, DATA2, ATT, ATT2, SET, SET2, SET3, EVENT commands. (Refer to <Table 2>)


Script name and format: @PlcScanWriteBlock(int port, int station, int address, string extra1, string extra2, object array_value, int array_size);

   Scripting example )

If you want to set by setting text and attribute of  1 column equipment by DATA, ATT, SET command .


byte    att[260];

char    str[256];

int       length;


@sprintf(str, "%s", $ST_0000);
length = @strlen(str);
@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 0, "DATA", 0, str, length);

att[0] = 0;
att[1] = 10;
att[2] = 0;
att[3] = 0;
att[4] = 0x00;
@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 0, "att", 0, att, 5);
@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 0, "set", 0, att, 5);


<Table 3> is a description of block write commands and write values ofAdtronic Electric Bulletin  communication driver.

Write Command Content Output Value Remarks
DATA setting of text for 1 column equipment
or first text for 2 column equipment
1 ~ 256 character(128 character fo hangul, etc)  
DATA2  setting of second text for 2 column equipment 1 ~ 256 character(128 character fo hangul, etc)  
ATT setting of attribute for 1 column equipment
or second attribute for 2 column equipment
0 byte : 0 ~ 16 (start effect)
1 byte : 1 ~ 10(display time)
2 byte : 0 ~ 15(leaving effect)
3 byte : 0 ~ 4(velocity)
4 ~ 259(attribute of 256 text)
 text attribute of each bit
6 ~ 7bit : text color (0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = yellow, 3 = black)
4 ~ 5bit : background color (0 = black, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = yellow)
2 ~ 3bit : font type (0 = gulim, 1 = gungsuh, 2 = old font, 3 = magic)
1bit : blink
0bit : don't care
ATT2 setting of second attribute for 2 column equipment 0 byte : 0 ~ 16 (start effect)
1 byte : 1 ~ 10(display time)
2 byte : 0 ~ 15(leaving effect)
3 byte : 0 ~ 4(velocity)
4 ~ 259(attribute of 256 text)
 text attribute of each bit
6 ~ 7bit : text color (0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = yellow, 3 = black)
4 ~ 5bit : background color (0 = black, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = yellow)
2 ~ 3bit : font type (0 = gulim, 1 = gungsuh, 2 = old font, 3 = magic)
1bit : blink
0bit : don't care
SET setting text and attribute of  1 column equipment Don't care after sending write command 'DATA', 'ATT',
use write command 'SET'
SET2 setting text and attribute of  2 column equipment(only 2 column type) Don't care after sending write command 'DATA', 'ATT', 'DATA2', 'ATT2'
use write command 'SET2'
SET3 setting title/text and attribute of  2 column equipment(only 2 column type) Don't care after sending write command 'DATA', 'ATT', 'DATA2',
use write command 'SET3'
EVENT setting event text and attribute of  1 column equipmentEvent Don't care after sending write command 'DATA', 'ATT',
use write command 'SET2'
EVENT command writing, After DATA, ATT command
<Table 3> Block Write commands and write values Adtronic Electric Bulletin communication driver


Important) Block write is available only  'char or string' variable(script data type) unit when DATA, DATA2 block.

Also  ATT, ATT2 block write  use 'byte' variable(script data type) unit.

Also Block write is supported version or higher.



3. Sample equipment of Adtronic Electric Bulletin

<±×¸² 3>is sample equipment of Adtronic Electric Bulletin.

<Figure 3> Sample equipment of Adtronic Electric Bulletin