ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver

ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with ASM 142 of Adixen Co., Ltd. in France.

1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver

<Figure 1> is the screen where Com Port(COM1), Com Baud(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) are input in DEVICE part. Com Baud, Parity Bit, Data Bit, Stop Bit.

ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – Don't care.

2) Read Command – Command = AA, AC, AC3, ACA, ACH, etc. (Refer to <Table 1>)

3) Read Start Address – Don't care.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read Size is fixed with 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 0, CY, 0, 0, 1,
READ, 0, HV, 0, 2, 1,
READ, 0, PE, 0, 4, 1,

<Table 1> is a description of read commands type and stored values of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver.

Read Command Content Stored Values Remarks
AA Read the Delpollution parameter on Cycle stop Start Add + 0 :  Parameter Value(Float)
Start Add + 1 :  Enable/Disable
1 = Enable,
0 = Disable
AC Read of Autocalibration status Start Add + 0 :  autocal On/Off 1 = On,
0 = Off
AC3 Read of Autocalibration target value Start Add + 0 :  calibration target value Float/Double type
ACA Read of Autocalibration automatic request parameter Start Add + 0 :  warning type
Start Add + 1 :  warning cycle number
Start Add + 2 :  warning time
warning : 1 = automatic, 0 = non-automatic
ACH Read of leak value for external calibration of Hard vacuum test Start Add + 0 :  leak value
Float/Double type
ACS Read of leak value for external calibration of Sniffing test Start Add + 0 :  leak value
Float/Double type
AK Read of whether the use of Discharge protocol Start Add + 0 :  whether the use of discharge protocol 1 = use,
0 = don't use
AZ Read of Autozero status Start Add + 0 :  autozero status 1 = On,
0 = Off
CA Read of parameter of Auto Cycle function Start Add + 0 :  auto cycle status(1 = ON, 0 = Off)
Start Add + 1 :  roughing timer(1 = execution, 0 = non-execution)
Start Add + 2 :  parameter value 1
Start Add + 3 :  parameter value 2
Parameter value = WORD type
CF Read of Filament sensitivity coefficient Start Add + 0 :  filament sensitivity coefficient 1
Start Add + 1 :  filament sensitivity coefficient 2
Float/Double Type
CH Read of Hour counter value Start Add + 0 :  counter value 1
Start Add + 1 :  counter value 2
Start Add + 2 :  counter value 3
Word Type
CO Read of Communication parameter value Start Add + 0 :  communication baud
Start Add + 1 :  data bit(5,6,7,8 bit)
Start Add + 2 :  parity bit
Start Add + 3 :  stop bit(2 = 1 byte, 3 = 1.5 byte, 4 = 2 byte)
communication baud : 1 = 2400, 2= 4800, 3= 9600, 4= 19200, 5 = 38400
parity bit : 2 = Even, 1 = Odd, 0 = None
CY Read of Current status of Detector Start Add + 0 :  current status value 6 = Start, 5 = electronic zero calibration,
4 = calibration by user, 3 = calibration by detector,
2 = hard vacuum cycle, 1 = sniffing cycle,
0 = depollution cycle
DA Read of Current date Start Add + 0 :  month
Start Add + 1 :  day
Start Add + 2 :  year
year = two-digit
ER Read of Saved error Start Add + 0 :  error number(Word)
Start Add + 1 ~ :  error code(Word)
If there are no errors, the error code is not displayed.
FC Read of RS flow control value Start Add + 0 :  flow control value 1 = none, 2 = RTS/CTS, 3 = XON/XOFF, 4 = ETX/ACK
FE Read of Internal calibrated leak value Start Add + 0 :  leak value(Float)
Start Add + 1 :  temperature coefficient(word)
Start Add + 2 :  aging coefficient(word)
Start Add + 3 :  year (four-digit)
Start Add + 4 :  calibration temperature(word)
FM Read of Filament status Start Add + 0 :  filament 1 status
Start Add + 1 :  filament 2 status
1 = filament  ok
0 = filament of burned status
GZ Read of used tracer gas Start Add + 0 :  gas value gas mass = 2, 3, 4
HV Read of Hard VAC coefficient Start Add + 0 :  coefficient value(Float)
Start Add + 1 :  status
status : 1 = active coefficient, 0 = inactive cofficient
IE Read of Emission voltage Start Add + 0 :  voltage 1/100 mA Unit
IE1 Read of Filament 1 emission voltage Start Add + 0 :  voltage 1/100 mA Unit
IE2 Read of Filament 2 emission voltage Start Add + 0 :  voltage 1/100 mA Unit
LE Read of Modified calibrated helium signal value Start Add + 0 :  helium signal value(Float)
Start Add + 1 :  status
status : 1 = unmodified signal, 0 = modified signal
LE2 Read of alibrated helium signal value which is different from current unit Start Add + 0 :  helium signal value Float/Double type
MCC Read of Cycle counter Start Add + 0 :  current value
Start Add + 1 :  initial setting value
Float/Double type
MC0 Read of First Pump counter value Start Add + 0 :  current value
Start Add + 1 :  initial setting value
WORD type
MC1 Read of Second Pump counter value Start Add + 0 :  current value
Start Add + 1 :  initial setting value
WORD type
MD Read of Software version Start Add + 0 :  software version Only stored in STRING memory
ME Read of Memo function status Start Add + 1 :  memo function status
Start Add + 2 :  memo type(1 = timer, 0 = 2 cycle)
Start Add + 3 :  memo time(minute)
Start Add + 4 :  memo time(second)
Start Add + 5 :  memo signal current value(Float)
memo function : 2 = In progress, 1 = On, 0 = Off
P1 Read of Tthreshold roughing/GL pressure Start Add + 0 :  pressure Float/Double Type(mbar)
P2 Read of Tthreshold GL/normal presure Start Add + 0 :  pressure Float/Double Type(mbar)
PE Read of Inlet pressure Start Add + 0 :  pressure Float/Double Type(mbar)
PW Read of Password Start Add + 0 :  password Only stored in STRING memory
RE Read of Recent test result Start Add + 0 :  result value 1 = good, 0 = bad
RS Read of RS-232C mode Start Add + 0 :  mode value 0 = not used, 1 = Basic mode, 2 = Spreadsheet mode, 3 = Advanced mode
S1 Read of Current test threshold value Start Add + 0 :  threshold value Float/Double Type
S1H Read of Vacuum test threshold value Start Add + 0 :  threshold value Float/Double Type
S1S Read of Sniffing test threshold value Start Add + 0 :  threshold value Float/Double Type
SC Read of Cell status Start Add + 0 :  emission info
Start Add + 1 :  cell security
Start Add + 2 :  triode security
emission info : 1 = On, 0 = Off,
cell/triode security : 1 = no security, 0 = security
SN Read of Sniffing coefficient value Start Add + 0 :  coefficient value(Float)
Start Add + 1 :  status
status : 1 = activated, 0 = deactivated
SO Read of Sound status Start Add + 0 :  volume(Word)
Start Add + 1 :  validation
validation : 1 = validation, 0 = sound inhibited
SP Read of Setting language Start Add + 0 :  setting language Only stored in STRING memory
ST Read of Detector status value Start Add + 0 :  status(each bit) Refer to <Table 2>
SW Read of Used filament Start Add + 0 :  used filament value 1 = filament 1, 2 = filament 2
SY Read of Voice synthesis status Start Add + 0 :  volume(Word)
Start Add + 1 :  validation
validation : 1 = voice synthesis validation, 0 = voice synthesis inhibited
T1 Read of Second pump information Start Add + 0 :  second pump information 0 = default pump, 1 = rotation pump, 2 = syncro pump, 3 = running-in pump
T1M Read of Additional second pump information Start Add + 0 :  hour counter(Word)
Start Add + 1 :  pump temperature(Word)
TE Read of Temperature status Start Add + 0 :  temperature(Word)
Start Add + 1 :  status
status : 1 = probe measure, 0 = pre-adjusted value
TI Read of Current time Start Add + 0 ~ 2 :  current time hour/minute/second  
TIA Read of Recent stop time Start Add + 0 ~ 2 :  stop time hour/minute/second  
TIC Read of Recent autocalibration time Start Add + 0 ~ 2 :  time hour/minute/second  
TIM Read of Recent start time Start Add + 0 ~ 2 :  start time hour/minute/second  
TR Read of Automatic string Start Add + 0 :  modified helium signal(Float)
Start Add + 1 :  detector status code(Refer to <Table 2>)
Start Add + 2 :  inlet pressure value(Float)
UN Read of Used unit Start Add + 0 :  unit 1 = mbar.l/s, 2 = Pa.m3/s, 3 = Torr.l/s
V1 Read of Torbo pump speed Start Add + 0 :  speed(Word)
Start Add + 1 :  status
speed unit = RPM
status : 1 = accurate measurement, 0 = inaccurate measurement
VE Read of spreadsheet mode standard time Start Add + 0 ~ 2 :  standard time hour/minute/second In case of 00:00:00, standard time = 0.5 second
VO Read of Current accleration voltage Start Add + 0 :  voltage(Word)  
VO1 Read of Filament 1 accleration voltage Start Add + 0 :  voltage(Word)  
VO2 Read of Filament 2 accleration voltage Start Add + 0 :  voltage(Word)  
VT Read of of Existence of inlet vent in end of cycle Start Add + 0 :  status 1 = inlet vent On, 0 = inlet vent Off
WA Read of Memo warning list Start Add + 0 :  warning number
Start Add + 1 ~ :  warning code(Word)
If there are no memo warning list, the warning code is not displayed.
ZE Read of electronic zero value Start Add + 0 :  electronic zero value Word type
ZR Read of Zoom function status of reject threshold Start Add + 0 :  status 1 = function On, 0 = function Off
<Table 1> Read commands type and stored values of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver


<Table 2> is a description of each bit which is stored by 'ST' command.

Bit Content Stored Values
bit0 filament 1/2 Off = filament 1, On = filament 2
bit 1 filament On/Off Off = off, On = on
bit 2 filament out/in Off = out cycle, On = in cycle
bit 3 ~ 4   00 = atmosphere/roughing, 01 = GL, 10 = FL, 11 = high sensitivity
bit 5 sniffing On/Off Off = vacuum test, On = sniffing test
bit 6 autocalibration Ok/Nok Off = Nok, On = Ok
bit 7 locked panel locked/opened Off = locked, On = opened
bit 8 default presence Off = default,  On = no default
bit 9 inlet vent value status Off = no inlet, On = inlet
bit 10 cycle start available Off = not available, On = available
bit 11 turbo pump syncro Off = no syncro, On = syncro
bit 12 ~ 13 - -
bit 14 siiffer probe clogged Off = Clogged, On = not Clogged
bit 15  1 On
<Table 2> Each bit which is loaded by 'ST command


ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING memory, but the data formats are different.

 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector Communication Driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.


2. Write settings

You can control values of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector by using write commands.


Bit write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).


Word write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION : Don't care.

3) ADDRESS : Don't care 

4) EXTRA 1 : AC, AE, AK, AS, CT, DE, RE, SU, SW, VE, VS, WA, XO. (Refer to <Table 3>)

5) EXTRA 2 : Don't care.


<Table 3> is a description of write commands and contents of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver.

Command Contents
AC Autocalibration Starting
AE External calibration coefficient Calculation and Execution
AK Long commands discharge protocol Disable
AS Internal autocalibration Abort
CT Hardware RTS/CTS protocol Control
DE Default valuePC software reset Reinitialization
RE Saved defaults Reset
SU Advanced mode Selection
SW Filament Exchange
VE Spreadsheet mode Selection
VS Basic mode Selection
WA Warning Reset
XO XON/XOFF software protocol
<Table 3> Write commands for ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:SU, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for Advanced mode Selection of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector connected with 0 port.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:WA, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write to reset Warning of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector connected with 0 port.



Block write

ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector communication driver doesn¡¯t support ¡®Block write¡¯.


3. Communication Cable Connection of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector

You can connect communication cable between ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector and computer in the following ways.


RS-232C Communication Cable Connection

Connect RS-232C serial socket of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector and RS-232C cable.

<Figure 4> shows the appearance of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector.

<Figure 4> Appearance of ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector