AP-3603 Controller Communication Driver


AP-3603 Controller is the driver to communicate with Fire & Disaster prevention master controller of Util Electronics in Korea.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of  AP-3603 Controller communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of AP-3603 Controller communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com portCOM8), baud rate(9600), parity bit(0), data bit(8), stop bit(1), , accordint to the setting of controller.


Read schedule of AP-3603 Controller communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1)   Station – don't care.

2)   Read command – fixed to STS. ( refer to <Table 1> )

3)   Read start address – don't care.

4)   Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5)   Read size – fixed to 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 1, STS, 0, 0, 1,

<Table 1> is read command and contents of AP-3603 Controller communication driver.

Read command


Store Values
(Save Start Address + 0)



Read of current status

ÀúÀåÀ§Ä¡ + 0 : Phone status

ÀúÀåÀ§Ä¡ + 1 : AUX status

ÀúÀåÀ§Ä¡ + 2 : MIC status

ÀúÀåÀ§Ä¡ + 3 : LAMP status

ÀúÀåÀ§Ä¡ + 4 : Sound status

bit 0 ~ 4 = headset to phone 1  ~ 5
0 = AUX to none,   1 = AUX to phone 1 RX
bit 0 = MIC to phone 3 TX,   bit 1 = MIC to Radio
bit 0 ~ 4 = LAMP 1 ~ 5 ON, 0 = all LAMP OFF
0 = Sound OFF,   1 = Sound ON
<Table 1> Read command and contents of AP-3603 Controller communication driver

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.  

<Figure 2> Example of AP-3603 Controller communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of AP-3603 Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can set AP-3604BA Controller by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             don't care.

3)  ADDRESS          don't care.

4)  Extra1                  write command = P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, A0, A1, M1, M2, L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, S0, S1. ( refer to <Table 2> )

5) Extra2                   don't care.


<Table 2> is write command and contents of AP-3603 Controller communication driver.

Write command


Communication code
P1 Headset to Phone 1 R
P2 Headset to Phone 2 A
P3 Headset to Phone 3 B
P4 Headset to Phone 3 Tx, Phone 4 Rx m
P5 Headset to Phone 5 E
A0 Aux to Phone 1 Rx G
A1 Aux to none g
M1 Mic to Phone 3 Tx M
M2 Mic to Radio m
L0 Lamp Off Y
L1 Lamp 1 On 1
L2 Lamp 2 On 2
L3 Lamp 3 On 3
L4 Lamp 4 On 4
L5 Lamp 5 On 5
S0 Sound Off command Z
S1 Sound On command O
<Table 2> Write command and contents of AP-3603 Controller communication driver

Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : P1  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Headset to Phone 1 setting example for AP-3603 Controller.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : L0  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Headset to Lamp Off control example for AP-3603 Controller.


3. Appearance of AP-3603 Controller

<Figure 4> shows the appearance of AP-3603 Controller.

<Figure 5> is Lamp for AP-3603 Controller. 

<Figure 4> Appearance of AP-3603 Controller
<Figure 5> Lamp for AP-3603 Controller